Eight Steps to Make Your Digital Communication Strategies Successful

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The main characteristic of a digital communication strategy lies in its persuasive power, i.e. its capacity to influence perception, attitude, and/or behavior.  Hence the importance of setting, in the first phase, the goals you are aiming for.

Step One: Setting Your Objectives

Advertising, as a form of persuasive communication, aims at influencing knowledge, emotions, and/or behavior of receivers to make them take specific actions.  Through cognitive advertising, the aim is to raise awareness, develop understanding and generate knowledge among prospects.  By using Emotional Appeal Advertising, the attempt is to make the product more attractive and develop a preferential demand by influencing the perception of its image (branding).  In terms of conative communication, Conative message strategies are designed to lead more directly to some type of consumer response and make the prospects take action by motivating them either to make a first – time purchase or to be regular purchasers.

Les objectifs d'une stratégie de communication digitale dont le but principal est d'influencer le cognitif, l'affectif et le conatif.

Step Two: Defining Your Target Audience

To influence someone, you need to know them well! Communication is primarily a message that is transmitted from a sender (your company) to a receiver (the prospect, the influencer, the opinion leader, etc.). Identifying your target audience accurately allows you to tailor your message precisely to their expectations and needs. It is mandatory to align yourself with your customers on different levels: t jargon, language, dialect, illustrations, etc.

Processus d'influence exercé par un émetteur sur un récepteur.

Source : Graphique de W.Schramm

Step Three: Positioning Yourself       

Positioning, as a strategic technique in marketing, aims at   establishing the image of a brand, a product or a company in the consumer’s mind. It’s also the image that sets you apart from the competition. The goal is to match the desired positioning with the perceived positioning. In other words, if the perception you have of your company aligns with the perception of consumers, it means you have successfully conveyed the desired positioning.

Le positionnement du produit dans une stratégie de communication digitale. Il devrait prendre en considération les attentes du public, les atouts du produit et le positionnement des produits concurrents.

Step Four: Establishing Your Communication Style

Determining your own communication style can help you improve how you share information. The choice of communication style depends not only on your target audience but also on the values your company conveys, your goals, and the competitive advantages you possess.

Your communication style can take many forms: playful, funny, serious, kind, etc. The tone used in all your communications allows you to stand out. This will make you easily recognizable and will create an emotional connection with your Buyer Personas.

Setting a budget for a digital communication strategy will allow you to optimize it by prioritizing your actions and having a long-term vision.

Most companies allocate a percentage , ranging  from 2% to 20% of their annual revenue for this purpose , depending on the industry and the objectives pursued.

Communication entre des individus.

Step five: Choosing Your Means of Communication

You need to choose the digital communication channels (platforms) that will allow you to reach your prospects. Communication platforms, in general, exist both online and offline. In the case of digital communication channels, options include websites (showcase, e-commerce, platform, blog, etc.), search engine optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (SEA), social media management, email marketing, content marketing (inbound marketing), etc.


Step Six:Crafting Your Message

In terms of content, the most convincing arguments for your prospects should be highlighted, generally not exceeding three arguments at the beginning or end of the message.

In terms of form, the visual aspect is to be respected in terms of choosing colors, shapes, typography, etc. Your visual identity should mark all your messages and supports and be recognizable to your prospects


Les outils de communicationStep Seven: Building Your Digital Communication Strategy

Your communication plan is the operational and structured translation of communication actions related to a project. In terms of content, it should include several key components: analysis of the context, objectives, chosen strategy and channel, frequency, budget, monitoring methods, and more.

In terms of format, it’s a more or less detailed document that gathers all planned actions over a, typically one – year period.


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Communication campaigns

  • Advertising campaigns
  • Radio / TV passage
  • Urban display
  • Street Marketing
  • Trade Marketing

Digital marketing

  • Social Media Management
  • Content creation
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing

Website development

  • Website creation
  • SEO / SEA


  • Naming
  • Visual identity
  • Logo
  • Graphic charter
  • Design & graphic design


  • Tailor-made event
  • Media coverage
  • Product launch
  • Inauguration

Marketing Strategies & Consulting

  • Expertise & consel
  • Stratégie Marketing
  • Market Studies & Analysis